A downloadable game for macOS


Written in zig 0.13.0 with no game engine other than SDL2, then I tried to port it to raylib when I had issues compiling for wasm (via emscripten) aka the browser. I actually got it to compile so I succeeded to some extent but everything is broken and I have no more time to fix everything. Anyway This is a macos build and unfortunately probably no one will play it since gamers don't use mac but it is what it is. 

Menus (arrow keys and enter to select)
In game (WASD movement, space to fire projectile, mouse to aim)


the-tribulations-of-theodore.zip 400 kB

Install instructions

(Silicon Mac)
1. Unzip

2. You may need to install the fonts in the fonts folder.

3. Run the executable.

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